CI Pipelines


The goal of testing in a CI pipeline is different from testing locally. Indeed, you can quickly edit some code and run your tests again on your computer, but it is not possible with CI pipeline. They run on a separate server and are triggered by specific actions.

From that observation, pytest can detect when it is in a CI environment and adapt some of its behaviours.

How CI is detected

Pytest knows it is in a CI environment when either one of these environment variables are set, regardless of their value:

  • CI: used by many CI systems.

  • BUILD_NUMBER: used by Jenkins.

Effects on CI

For now, the effects on pytest of being in a CI environment are limited.

When a CI environment is detected, the output of the short test summary info is no longer truncated to the terminal size i.e. the entire message will be shown.

# content of
import pytest

def test_db_initialized():
        "deliberately failing for demo purpose, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, "
        "consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras facilisis, massa in suscipit "
        "dignissim, mauris lacus molestie nisi, quis varius metus nulla ut ipsum."

Running this locally, without any extra options, will output:

$ pytest
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED[d2] - Failed: deliberately f...

(Note the truncated text)

While running this on CI will output:

$ export CI=true
$ pytest
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED[d2] - Failed: deliberately failing
for demo purpose, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras
facilisis, massa in suscipit dignissim, mauris lacus molestie nisi, quis varius
metus nulla ut ipsum.